My right arm is in a cast, for three weeks. Great. Just great. Oh well… Hope I can find someone who’s willing to draw a goth design on it.

Yesterday was, as opposed to today, a really crappy day !!! I keep forgetting on a Larp that I’m not 20 anymore: only slept about 5 hours over the weekend, so I was tired as hell yesterday, literally. I managed to get up at 7.30, was at school at 8.30, started teaching, without much of a voice. I did warn all classes: I felt sick, tired, had a headache, and the lack of voice pissed me off majorly. They behaved.

In the afternoon tho, after another hour of teaching, I stood up (apparently I had developed a fever by then) to write the agenda on the blackboard, and my head started spinning. All became black, I had an outburst of cold sweat, and the students said I was very very pale. Nearly fainted there. Being too stubborn to give up tho (it was my very own fault after all), I managed to stay another hour and take a test. The students were even concerned about me driving my car. God, I must have looked awful !

Anyway, made it home, slept a little, watched some telly, corrected some, slept long. Definitely feel better already. Luckily.

Had a cool day, yes indeed. And the guy who made it cool was Faust, once more.
After a long sleep (1st years are out to Technopolis) I got up at 9.40, did some work, went for groceries, and went to teach. After that I went over to Faust’s place, where we had lots of coffee (the usual), some smokies, and discussed a lot.

Topic of the day: the quantum theories of Stephen Hawking as compared with/opposed to Plato, Democritos, Pythagoras. We found quite a lot parallels, to be honest. Was a really interesting discussion. Hawking has the weirdest theories, and he can prove all of them scientifically, being a positivist. I really like the 11-dimensional gravity, and the strings between the different universes that are lightyears long. Nice. Complicated.

Yes, an afternoon well spent.

Now this was a really fine weekend :-)

So tired here, freshly bathed after I fell asleep on the couch during Star Trek, but a very satisfied girl !

This weekend was Eternica, one of the oldest LARPS in Flanders. I must say, edition XVIII was allright ! Didn’t start too well, tho, since they never handed out the NPC characters in front. I prefer to have my character at least some days beforehand, so I can see to the appropriate clothes. I’m not exactly a standard confection model…

On friday I was offered the leading part in one of the main plots that will go on over several weekends, and after some doubts -it’s gonna be a lonely part- I said yes. I was playing a really nice and cute gypsy, stepdaughter in an Elvish gypsy family. I was having these nightmares about my imprisoned and very scared brother, tho my stepdad kept telling me I didn’t have a brother, only a real father who was trying to kill me since my birth. The players just accepted this weird story, even tho they admitted there had to be something fishy about it.
Then this runemage turned up, a priest from the god of evil/cold/war Kalt, who claimed that he could help me free my brother and reunite us. I trusted this guy, so I agreed on partaking in the ritual. All players thought it was a very bad idea, so did my stepfamily, but I insisted, and the players didn’t do a thing to stop me.
Saturday afternoon, my murderous father turned up, and was easily captured by the players. He told them that he had to kill me cos he kept having this visions sent by his goddess, telling him that I was very bad news. I kept moaning that I didn’t want to die, and the players believed me and killed him. At night they -instigated by my stepdad who didn’t trust the whole thing- tried to kill the runemage before he could start on the rituals, but they failed, so…
He gave me a part of a human sacrifice, and I got into trance and went for my brother, followed by a band of players. My bro was imprisoned in a cave for like 200 years, and was writhing in utmost terror. I went for him, held him, and went for his amulet, all in trance. Then the runemage took that amulet and stabbed it right in my heart ! I cried out, and while I was transforming into a much more selfconcious creature, the priest started to explain what was going on: he had just reunited both parts of the SLUMBER that had been severed ages ago. The players present froze in fear, as my aura became clear: I was the AVATAR of TERROR !!!!
They fled in panic, and I started walking the earth, not powerful yet, only an aura of 3 metres, but feeding on the fear of all who crossed my path… Mwuhahahahaaaaaaaa !!!!

I’ll be growing stronger and become their biggest problem next time. Heh, was a really fun part ! I just lost my voice over it, dunno yet how I’ll teach for like 7 hours tomorrow 🙁

It was really fun… The gypsy got a lover and all too, LOL.

Nice detail also: the LARPweekend before, I had been playing an oversexed demon who finally rapes a fierce warrior, and leaves him with an egg. Since the players then closed the demongate to their realm, I wasn’t there anymore, just the egg, which was being held warm by one of the priests. The warrior fell in one of the fights, and a little bit after that, the priest felt that the egg was about to hatch, so he threw it in the woods, and a couple of minutes after, he heard the voice of a little boy, in the body already of a full grown man, with demon horns, a lot of fighting skills already, but the mind of a five year old: the little son !!! (played by the former dad). I thought this sooooooo cute !!! He calls the priest ‘uncle Nerwyn’, and when he came across one of the other lovers of his mum, he sniffed and said ‘you smell like my mum’, all cute and all.

Hehe, indeed, a great weekend was had. 🙂

Quite an uneventful week, actually, apart from…

Got a phonecall on Monday evening, Faust. I had already sensed last week that sth was wrong, but I never really asked, since I hadn’t been alone with him. Well, it all came out on that phone. He’s really doubting his relationship again. Last year, after little over a year, he broke up with Jurryt, cos he’s too shallow, no real wit, no backbone. Faust spent the next four months alone, and found out how hard it is to find another Gay Gothic Geek. He brooded and thought a lot, and on New Year’s Day, he went to Jurryt to get back together. Jurryt was so happy, Faust is the man of his life. I shook my head, and kept silent.
Now, after 9 months, the same problems resurface. Jurryt is a really sweet guy, very loving and all, but… No depth. So Faust is really doubting, and will probably end it again.
What has this to do with me ? Well… Simply put: if Faust goes down the drain, so do I. We’re soulmates, we’re related. If he can’t sleep, I’ll have a very uneasy night. If he’s restless, so am I. If I need to talk, the phone rings before I have decided to call him. So if he gets depressed…

Tuesday after work, I went to his place, and we talked a lot. Made him see things more clearly. Wednesday nothing much happened: physiotherapist, that’s about all. Thursday I was really beat, dunno why, really tired when I came home from teaching, and I went to show my mum the new city library and the big mall near it. When I came home, I just crashed on the couch, felt exhausted. Too tired to read, nothing on telly, arm too sore to be at the PC… Called Faust, but he had visitors. No roleplay either. Friday I had planned on being at his place all afternoon, but my father in law was here to weed the garden, clean the pavements, repair a doorhandle and lock… Ended up at Faust only round 6. We talked, I had to calm him down cos he was very jumpy. I never made it to the coffeehouse where Bart and Dirk were, thought I’d meet them for dinner. Dinner was cancelled cos of the crappy week Ilse had had, and she wanted to go for a swim. So another uneventful evening at home. Played some more Asheron’s Call.
Today: nothing much either. Bit chilly, so I lit the fireplace :-))) God I love roaring blazing fires ! Me on the couch, cat at my feet, dog next to me on the floor, beautiful classical concert on the telly, fire roaring… So I fell asleep !

Sometimes I think I’m getting old…

Listen, I have a LJ to keep in touch with my friends, and to spill my emotions and thoughts in a rather impersonal way.
I AM SICK OF THE DRAMA ! To be honest, I don’t give a fuck whether one of you is a pedophile, and another is just a egocentric bastard, and another can’t stop moaning. I started frequenting the NYCgoth chat about 4 years ago, and I met some wonderful people there. With Cliff not always being the grown up he claims to be, the atmosphere in there wasn’t always too great, so I popped in the new OhMyGoth to see if it was any better. Originally I thought it was, but after a while it turned out to be exactly what it said it despised: another copy of NYCGothchat. Little difference tho: less drama in the latter, since a lot of people in there are older and a little more mature. That is why I returned there…
But now I’m seriously contemplating not visiting either anymore, as long as this vendetta keeps going. I’ve had it. I get teenage drama all day at school, I don’t need some adolescent behaviour in my free time. So would you please STOP annoying the hell out of everyone ? IF you don’t like someone else, leave that person alone. It’s the net, you can’t force anyone in frequenting this or that chat.

Oh, and if need be: both chats are very easily shut down due to formal complaints of cybersex. Very easily, if you know the right persons. Belgium is rather sensitive when it comes to illegal porn. And since on both chats there are under aged people….

Heh, this solution would sure stop the drama 🙂

Rereading Douglas Coupland’s ‘Microserfs’ here, and I was wondering… What would your 7 Jeopardy categories be ? I’m still not sure about mine… These would be some tho:

– Latin
– Ancient mythology
– Tolkien
– classical instruments

Still thinking about it tho.

Kinda, anyway… I’m not supposed to type a lot, since my arm is hurting like hell. There’s a huge inflammation of the tendon in my right arm, starting at my elbow, but spreaded out already. Been to the orthopaedic on Monday, he gave me an injection with lidocaine, and told me to see a physiotherapist.
Tuesday I went to work normally, tho it did hurt and spoil my mood. My 4th graders knew about that: even tho I had given them a warning not to mess with me, since I had quite a bit of pain, they weren’t completely quiet as I had demanded. I punished the whole class by announcing a test on Friday. Quite a big one.
Wednesday no working for me, but I had to take the car to the garage for new tyres and basic maintenance, so that’s what I did. Had to wait for 1.5 hours, so I took a walk in the drizzle (yet it was hot!) to the mall 20 mins further, bought some Tshirts for Bart, bought myself a nice black hat/cap, walked around, got back. Went to entertain Faust, brought him his coffee, LOL, chatted a little, drove him to his class. So glad he’s taken that up again.
Thursday I started teaching, but quite unexpectedly the fourth hour I had to write on the blackboard for an entire hour (they hadn’t seen a bit of grammar, which I was convinced they had), which wasn’t really ideal for my arm. Man, even tho they were so sweet, wiped the board for me, helped me, it just didn’t work. 5th hour I didn’t do much more than chat with the students, I couldn’t concentrate anymore. Then I had lunch, excused myself, went home and got some painkillers. Phoned the doc again, he prescribed me some anti-inflammatories (had to pick the note up the next day or so). Slept a bit, pain is exhausting. Had a parents’ meeting at 7, so I dressed up for that and went, then went to the Cthulhu session. Was an odd session, we were all acting pretty silly. Fun tho. Randall will tell you what happened.

Friday I decided to give that arm more rest, took more medicine, read a little (is about all I can do, I shouldn’t be here typing either, since that hurts too), went for lunch with Grimlach and Faust. When we arrived after lunch at Faust’s place again, I had to ask for another painkiller. That, the company and the weed did help a bit. At least I wasn’t sweating for pain anymore.

For the rest, I’m bored. There’s nothing for me to do but reading and watching telly, and sleeping. I corrected some little tests last night, but that made my arm hurt a lot too. This typing will result in at least 2 hours complete rest. Sigh…

Opera tonight, free tickets 🙂 Zone Orfeo, a modern adaptation of the Orfeo of Monteverdi. Kinda curious, going with Gwen, my best friend when it comes to girls. She’s a Latin teacher too, and since we both teach the original text of Orpheus, this can be interesting.

Ophi out, hurts too much.

September 11 rant… Don’t read it if you’re easily shocked.

Maybe you can’t understand this, but… A year ago, I sat in front of my television set, my mouth open in horror, all cold, when I saw the towers fall. Yet I felt a very strange sensation, as apparently most of the Europeans did, so it seems afterwards.

I felt so sorry, so at a loss for all those people, and I thought it an outrage, a … Something that you can’t find words for, that is just NOT done.

On the other hand, this crossed my mind: ‘YES ! Finally ! IN YOUR FACE, BUSH ! Finally those arrogant, abusive Americans, open to porn yet so puritan, selfproclaimedly defending the freedom of speech yet censorising everything that is said, mingling in affairs that they should leave alone, refusing to mind the environment as is said in the Kyoto treatise and providing for our children a nearly uninhabitable world, judging other people and killing them for the crimes they do, yet refusing to let Americans stand trial in an international court… Finally those bastards who think they own the world, GOT IT COMING ! They’re not invincible, and finally someone had the guts to let them know !’

I know this sounds horrible… But it is the truth for most Europeans. I don’t claim that Europe is that much better, but just don’t think that the entire world is pitying America. No, we’re pitying the thousands of people that had to die for America to wake up, and after a year to see that that was all in vain. America is dozing off again, after having destroyed many thousand lives more in Afghanistan. Does any of you CARE ??? This might seem harsh, but I pity those in Afghanistan an LOT more. They hate the Americans more than they hated the Taliban. Can you even IMAGINE ???? These people have a good reason. America killed thousands of people more than the ones that got killed on Ground Zero. Problem is: we’re not in Afghanistan, it’s not even close, we don’t need to think about it. Ground Zero we can see, we can feel. We can’t block that from our minds, we lost people there, we HAVE to cope with that, so… We’re shocked. We’re outraged.

Let me tell you… No matter how many ones of you I consider personal friends in the USA, as a country I loathe the States, and everything it stands for. Its self-indulgence makes me sick. Especially when I see that they think they have the right to kill other people. The WTCbombing won’t be the last. I’m really convinced they’re will be more attacks. Untill America sees that they have to start taking other people into account.

Sorry if I have shocked anyone personally with this, I didn’t mean to. It’s just the general view of a damn lot of people here, and I think it might wake some people over there up.

Enough is enough. Let’s stop the war. It’s been enough.

Felt like the Boomtown Rats this morning – I don’t like Mondays. It was a very busy day, teaching non stop (or that’s what it felt like, I had a lunch break) from 8.30 till 15.30.
Came home, did some house work, and went to the orthopaedist. I’ve had this nagging pain in my right elbow for like two months, ever since I wore myself out in cutting the hedge. Thought I just pulled sth, and that time would mend it. Quite not so, it only got worse.
He said I have an inflammation on the start of the tendon of my lower arm, told me to give it some rest, and gave me an injection with lidocaine right on the sore spot. Just great. Now I can’t even butter my own bread. Bart’s being a real sweety, taking care of me. Gonna make it an early night anyway, maybe with a painkiller or so. Need to teach first thing in the morning, arm needs to be painless, or at least on a tolerance level.

Oh btw, period was late for like 17 days, I started to hope already, but alas… No natural conception, was very unlikely anyway. Gonna start IVF again in October. Really looking forward again to all the hormones. Sigh… I just can’t wait.