Just bought myself the most gorgeous orchid you can imagine ! Dark brown-red, same colour as my desk, with large sideflaps and a big chalice with green… I just couldn’t resist ! Hope I can make it flower again some day too…

Off to a big dinner party for my gran’s 91st birthday. It’s in a restaurant two streets away from her house, but I hope she won’t come by bike in this weather, it’s too damn cold. Hmm, need to get dressed up all fancy again. Yay. Don’t feel like the whole thing, not even hungry.

Past few days have been weird. I’m not the world’s greatest cleaner, to make the understatement of the year. But somehow I got into a cleaning frenzy that would even make my mother-in-law feel ashamed.
Maybe it is cos finally the second floor of our house starts to take shape. This means that I can put everything that was originally stocked on the attic and was brought down to the different rooms, back up. I have a separate room now for all the larp stuff I own, and yes, it fills up a small room. This means that the spare room got a little free space, so that I could move my sewing table and the machine and all pieces of fabric in there. This of course means that my bedroom finally emptied up again 🙂 so I started cleaning the whole thing. Finally some breathing space !!! I’ve got this huge bedroom with a giant cupboard and a double bed and a dressoir and everything, and a table with four chairs in it too. All got cleaned, and I even started sorting out the clothes. God, I’m awful ! I finally got myself to throw away a bunch of clothes from when I was 15 and like 30 kilos slimmer. What on earth was I thinking ? That they’d become fashionable again ? That I’d ever regain my figure from those days ? LOL !

Anyway, got two aching arms now and two cramping hands, but… A very nice sparkling clean bedroom 🙂 All I need to do now is start plastering and wallpapering and painting the 2nd floor, so Bart’s new office is all ready for use.

Oh, and maybe even get a New Year’s Eve over and done with. Sigh…

Argh, I have a new kitten, it’s a great little furball (black, of course) but he has one major flaw: he loves to play with my hair, and thinks it appropriate to jump on my shoulders from every possible direction with outstretched claws ! Grrr !! Not only bad for my bloodpressure (I nearly get a heart attack when he does that while I’m at the PC, or eating, or folding up laundry, or whatever) but also not exactly the best thing for the once smooth skin on my shoulders. How on earth can I teach him it’s simpy NOT done, even tho the strands move playfully ? Heh, I can divert him to my dog’s ears (he doesn’t seem to mind), but not very long. Oh, and my hand is completely scratched as well, but that’s my own fault, cos I love to play with him. Hmmm, cats…

Oh well, gonna do some shopping here, have my parents, bro and in-laws for dinner tonight. Yay…

Mmmm…. Now this is vacation ! I really didn’t write this down yesterday, cos I felt too lazy for that even. I had the most wonderful of days for ages. All I did was stay at home tho. But…
I slept long, and then I installed myself on the couch, still in pyamas, a cup of hot cocoa as well… Outside it was damn cold, bright sunshine, and all covered in snow. Beautiful ! And inside, well, there was the lights of the Xmas tree, the purring cat on top of me, the dog at my feet, the nice crackling fire, and a very good book. So all I did was read, have a small bite to eat, have some cocoa or coffee, read on, get up and give my hubby a kiss, read on, light the other lights and draw the curtains, read on… Mmmm… And not even a shred of urgent work here… So I felt as relaxed as could be, was quite a new experience… *hugs the world* Feeling happy, for a change !

Heh (insert sigh of relief here)

Finally got that correction over and done with. Cost me 50 hours, and lots and lots of them, mostly the fourth graders, have failed. 🙁 God they pissed me off ! Why on earth can’t they study ? It’s Latin, for crying out loud, they’re supposed to study! Made me feel so bad the last couple of days… Even thought about quitting the teaching thing, if these are the only results I get. Grrrrr !

On another note: I’m a redhead again 🙂 Really like it, me happy girl about that.

The office on the top floor is coming along nicely too, lots of work still, but hey, it looks great. Will be such a good change, when Bart has his own office up there, and I get my place down here. Much more logical, and lots more peace. Good thing indeed.

Another very positive thing: my hairdresser gave me a brilliant idea for a gift for my mom. Gonna get her a big cheque for nice lingerie, the kind that you wouldn’t buy for yourself cos it’s too expensive :-), then gonna get that cheque canned, so it looks like an ordinary can. Yep yep, happy girl here too.

Oh, Nihil: would you be so kind as to give us a hand this weekend to move some furniture ? I can’t take the weight 🙁 and I REALLY want my desk installed…

Got nearly suffocated in phonecalls, over the oddest subjects possible.
One made my heart yearn tho: the GM from one of the small one-day larps called me and asked me if I was going to be present on Saturday. I had to decline, cos I’m far from fit, methinks. It’s a small tribe of barbarians, 20 max, and I’m their leader, and biggest fighting machine. I really can’t be all that if I’m as weak as my bicycle ride this morning painfully showed me. Sigh…

goth clubs should serve coffee. ice cold coffee. with nails and broken glass. and call then ‘depresso’s

I feel absolutely crap. No idea why tho. Had a great concert on Thursday, slept only 4 hours, but work the day after went well. Came home, slept a bit on the couch, felt tired but ok.
Today I got up at 11 (after a few times of rolling over already), read a little, did some work, went back to bed at 13.30, only to get up at 17.00…
Just showered, still feel crap. There’s this Tolkien quiz tonight I want to attend, but hell… I don’t know yet, might just stay on the couch…

Tomorrow I’ll know whether I’m pregnant or not…

Spiderman is having me for dinner tonight

Tonight…. Mmmmmm !!! Rosanna-Kai is arriving here by train at 16.34, so I can pick her up, Grimlach is coming round about 16.30, and then my brother should arrive too… FOR THE CURE !!!!!!

Yes, 4 hours of pure undiluted Cureness !!!!

I so hope Grimlach will feel better by then, I want him to be there !!! Grim: don’t leave me alone with that woman, you know I’m not good around them :-pppp

Today is my two year anniversary with Glod. Still happy, still in love. Even my husband wished me grats. Strange people. Happy me.