Just came home from the doc, and everything is still picco bello with the little one 🙂 We saw its face, liver, legs, spine, ribs… Was a tad too early to see its gender, but to us it’s still a girl.
It was even mimicing my movements, which made us all laugh: I was holding my hand behind my head, and it was doing the exact same thing. Was kinda funny 🙂

So yes, so far everything is going well. Go me 🙂

I’d better get my butt in gear after such a lazy morning of playing games, chatting to my mom on the phone, and generally doing nothing. Faust is coming for lunch, so I’d better get an idea of the ingredients I have in the house. Heh, feel like cooking even. Nothing special, mushroom soup, roast beef with asparagus and croquettes, and pear flan. That is if I can get hold of any pears :-p

Gonna shave Bart’s hair first. Woohoo, hair to play with !

Had a kind of an odd day today. Didn’t sleep well, but was of course fast asleep when the alarm went off. After a very skillful kill of the damned thing, I managed to get up. Urgh. 8.30u. So why so early on a saturday ? Well, our very dear carpenters were FINALLY coming in to work on on the office. Worked all day, installed the little podium thingy and a built-in cupboard. They’ll be coming back in a fortnight to continue.

Played a bit, goofed around a bit, finally got showered and went grocery shopping, and then Faust’s mom came along. She’s an amateur-photographer, and a pretty good one too, and she needed some pictures of a violin player, but in a rather romantic setting. I think the exhibition is called ‘All things bright and beautiful’. Anyway, I dressed up in a long flowing silk skirt, a top with bare shoulders, a long velvet coaty thing, a hat, and of course my violin and my cello. We wanted to take pics at this old ruined abbey, but apparently it was closed, grrr. We moved to an ancient beguinage instead, and took some lovely pics there. She was very pleased, also because it was a bright sunny day with quite a lot of wind, which made my skirt and my hair wave. I’ll post some when I get the digital version of them.

Came home, started cooking and correcting, and just had a very satisfying meal. Yep yep.

Tonight’s session was actually very nice, although it was only the three of us, Nihil being sick, and Randall and Bart didn’t show up. Pity.
Anyway, we tried to figure out some stuff, visited all the people we know in Cairo, traced all the leads, and are stuck now. Hmmm. Since the gamemaster is leaving for Australia tomorrow with his wife, for three weeks, we have a month’s time to think about our next step. Right now I really wouldn’t know.

Had lots of fun though, for a change :-p. Something to do with white pussies, the beautiful boobs of a camel and inflatable crocodiles. Just don’t ask.

Finally got me a new cell phone ! Got about time, since the other one has been flawed all summer and was hardy usable anymore. So feel free to call me again, peeps.

Didn’t do much today, apart from teaching before noon. Corrected quite a bit, played some, had a nice hot cocoa (since it’s cold and pouring outside, very autumny), cleaned up the piles of magazines in the toilet. Gonna take it easy for the rest of the evening, light the fireplace and such. With being pregnant, I think I grew calmer. Could be just an idea that I put in my mind tho, but I feel more at ease.

I like being back at work, but I’m definitely not gonna overdo myself. Doubted on Tuesday morning whether I was gonna go or not, since I didn’t feel great at all. Went anyway, glad I did, it worked out fine. I promised myself, Bart, and even most of the colleagues that I wouldn’t wear myself out, or take any risks. Hey, I’ve been known to be in front of my class with quite a fever and such. All the colleagues at school know I’m pregnant now, and man, they’re all so concerned and friendly all of a sudden ! Bloody hypocrits ! Even those who never thought me worthy of a glance, now are all over me and cooing and such. I really have to restrain myself from being rude to their faces, and tell them I don’t like their false behaviour. Oh well…

Still happy girl, I guess.

Hehe, had a very nice email this morning, which really made my day. A father thanked me for the efforts I had made during the vacation to help his son pass his summer exam. Quote:’ You didn’t have to, yet you did correct his horrible exercises. I had never expected such dedication to eduction, the Latin language and the tutoring of students. You have earned my deepest respect.’
Go me !

Teaching went well too today, bit tired now, but ok.

Yesterday was fun too: my dad had his birthday on thursday, so I did invite my parents and my two brothers with their girlfriends for a meal. We had aperitif, three kinds of mussels (had to clean 8 kilo, yuck), ice cream and then coffee with cake (which of course I had baked myself). Was dead tired afterwards, but satisfied and happy. My beloved Bart did do the entire washing up. God I love that man !

Yep yep, life is going well these days.

Had a hilarious Nephilim session tonight. Was a pretty good one, I think: we learned a lot, found a next clue and a Templar’s nest, so we know what to do next time.

Quote of the evening: ‘You see a luxurious room, cleary inhabited by a woman.’ ‘A woman what ?’ ‘Huh ? What ???’ Think of that question. A woman what ? What did he expect to see ? A female penguin ???? Oh well, guess you had to be there. I laughed myself to tears 🙂

All in all a very pleasant, relaxing evening. Thank you, guys !

First day at school today, and predictably, I didn’t sleep well. Hmm. Can’t say it was out of sheer excitement, rather anxiousness about ‘am I gonna make it through the day ?’

Didn’t feel great when I got up, and despite the shower and the fact that I forced myself to eat some white cheese, it didn’t get much better. At school at 8.30u, I had to assemble a class full of freshmen: 26 12year olds. Great. Luckily it was a two-person job. When I was waiting in line to make some photocopies a bit later on, I suddenly felt very queasy, and someone told me I was as white as a sheet of paper. It passed in sitting down and breathing.

Yet I talked till 11.00, telling the newly arrived kids what the hell they were intended to do and what not to do, where to be, etc. etc. 10 minutes break in which I had a peach and was told by quite a number of people that I looked pale.

Then I had two of my own classes of new kids: a 50 minutes speech each to tell them what I expected from them in Latin class. Yay, fun.

By then I was so exhausted that I decided I needed a hot meal, despite the fact that I promised Bart to have a sandwich and cook in the evening.
Then two hours of teaching to my fourth graders (16 year olds), which was nice cos I already know them, and I indeed started teaching. Was nice, but tiring too.

All in all I did survive pretty well, I think. Came home round 4, took a long nap on the couch, and by 6.30 Bart came asking what he could prepare for food. Since I had had a hot meal already and wasn’t feeling hungry at all, I offered to make him mussels (as I had them in the house anyway). God, you should have seen his face !!! All radiant and shining, with sparkling eyes :-))) How could I NOT make mussels for that man ? He finished nearly 2 kilo of them, prepared with white wine, cream and dille. I hardly had any, didn’t feel like it.

So tired now, but content. Having a loving man is worth a LOT !

Had a very nice game of roleplay yesterday. Somehow there was very much innuendo and even blatant sexism, but man, I had such a laugh ! We actually managed to get 4 new characters introduced and get a bunch of info too.

Was really tired when I got home, but Bart was watching some Japanese movie, and I hate going to bed on my own, so I played a bit of AC for a change, untill I just couldn’t sit straight anymore. Went to bed, was hardly in there or I had to jump up and run to the loo… I HATE upset stomachs and puking at night ! The nausea is finally getting better, and I’m not so extremely tired anymore, but now I start throwing up at nights… Hmmm… The baby is allright though, the size of a gamba :-p

On another note: Faust moved tuesday to his new house, and I like the place. Went to help him a bit in the afternoon, unpacking small stuff and putting it in the cupboards, and driving to his old place to get more boxes and stuff. Man, he still has a TON to do… Poor Faust. After work today I might go and see how he’s doing. DUnno yet.

Anyway, gonna have sth to eat before my stomach kills me again, and see if I can get the paper without being soaked.

Yep yep, had a nice weekend 🙂

Didn’t do much on Saturday during the day, which was all for the best, cos round 7 PM randallsilver and samalla arrived at my place 🙂 We had a drink, picked up Randy’s gf and went to see the fireworks at the beach. There’s this splendid fireworks festival going on there, and I must say, after a slow start the spectacle was quite impressive. Good times were had, but I was exhausted. When we got back here, we just had a drink, sat and talked.
Even though I was completely spent, I hardly slept. Grrr !

On Sunday Sammy and I talked a bit, and when Randall showed up again in the early afternoon, we took the dog for a walk at de Blaarmeersen (local lake-beach-tanning thingy), met up with wimmekepunk and his beloved wife, and when we got back home after an hour or two, I crashed on the couch. God I’m pathetic ! But at least I manage to do stuff and leave the house these days.

Round 5.30 in the afternoon we set out for Den Haag (Netherlands) for a wedding party of two very good friends I met in an online game. We dropped Sammy off at the train station and started our quest for the venue. Turned out the name wasn’t marked on the outside, grrr ! Spent quite a while looking for the place, as the routeplanner only had directed me to the nearest underground parking, and never gave me the exact address.

Company and dinner were both lovely. Just a pity that I didn’t see much of glod and Kirruth, since they were sitting at a different table. Oh well… Was good to see my sweety again though 🙂 Apparently the sleepless night and the activities during the day had worn me out, cos I was feeling awful at moments and had to lie down. Never ate much either. Such a pity… All in all it was a great evening though.

Was so worn out that I couldn’t sleep again last night (had to vomit when we got home, which didn’t make it any easier to sleep either) and I’m sooooo tired now ! Had to go to school this morning, taking exams for those who got a second chance. Had trouble to stay awake, I admit. Came home, slept for two hours, ate something, left for the doc.
All is still very much ok with the baby. 13 weeks now and counting. She’s 7.7 cm long now, and wriggling about on that echo :-p

Happy me.