Went on a small shopping spree, “therapeutic retail shopping”, as glod calls it. Yesterday evening I kinda broke down, since Bart is very busy and doesn’t have time to take care of the baby at all. Wolf was crying again and I couldn’t take it anymore. This morning, even though he actually couldn’t spare much time, Bart came to me and said that I could spend the morning (ie. two hours) to do the shopping I needed to do. So I went grocery shopping, but also went to a clothes store. I didn’t really need clothes, yet I bought something new for Wolf’s baptism on Sunday. No, it wasn’t black – ick, surprise ! – but a red linen pair of 7/8 pants and an egg white top to go with it. Also bought two black tank tops, a black pair of 2/3 trousers for Bart and a matching T-shirt and shorts for Wolf. Paid a grand total of € 54 (approx. $ 60), hehe 🙂
Also had some ‘fidelity’ coupons at Delhaize, so I brought back this cute outside kids’ pool, with this big whale tail on it (it’s more than a meter high !) and, if you attach the hose, a fountain. Should be fun this summer when Wolf is able to sit and play. Me happy girl again, even though I’m doing all kinds of chores around the house that take up your whole day, but don’t leave the impression that you did anything at all. Ugh.

My little Wolf is such a sweety ! Yes, he can be obnoxious at times, but most of the time he’s a happy baby, looking at the world around him, sleeping snugly in his crib, laughing at his mom… I know my world is pretty one-sided at the moment, but actually I don’t care that much. I still see a lot of friends, I do play roleplay every Thursday, I still have a social life.
Last Monday I went to this fancy restaurant with Faust, for his birthday. We had a real nice time 🙂 and Bart took care of the little one. Yesterday Faust and another friend from Antwerp, who I hadn’t seen in a long time, came over, and we sat outside in the garden sipping white wine and chatting and laughing our heads off. Tonight promises to be a beautiful warm evening too, but most of my friends have other things to do than to enjoy the garden and the wine and the company. Too bad 🙁
Thursday = roleplay, Friday I’m going for dinner (again) with kimmekepunk and another friend from back when we were in highschool, and on Sunday the little one is going to be baptised at 11.30u. After the ceremony we’re gonna have champagne here at our house for all who attended, and then we’re going for elaborate lunch with the family. Will be nice too.

I’m really enjoying the weather at the moment, even though it would be nice if it was a little less warm, and I love to see my turtles sitting outside in the sun at the brim of their new little pond.

Happy, contented girl here, as usual 🙂

God I was sick last night ! Had been feeling less than 100% for the entire week already, but that was due to a bad cold: sniffing, sneezing, coughing, generally being the Great Snotty One. That was the reason I cancelled our dinner date with Gwen and Erik, two good friends of ours, on Saturday. On Sunday we went to wimmekepunk and kimmekepunk and played the Lord of the Rings boardgame. Good fun was had, and Wolf was the nicest boy you could imagine.
Didn’t sleep well at night due to the coughing, but hey…
On Monday I did feel worse: head was completely clogged, so I cancelled my dinner date with Faust, my very best friend. I had made reservations in this really good restaurant for his birthday, but alas, had to take a raincheck. Good thing I did: half an hour after I had dinner that Bart cooked for me, I suddenly
started to feel mean ass cramps in my stomach, my entire belly, my bowels. God I felt bad ! Was twitching and spasming and generally doing everything I could think of to make the cramps go away. After a while I started vomiting too, and got diarrhea. Cramps did last though. Even when I drank a glass of water, it would come back out half an hour later. Can you imagine the way I fed the baby ? Bart was at hand, to take him whenever I had to run to the loo.

Luckily this morning it was better, I even managed to get some sleep. Still feeling a bit queasy, but a LOT better than last night. Wonder what it was. Some kind of food poisoning ?

Since I’m home these days to take care of Wolf, I’ve started a big cleaning of the house. We live here for 6 years now, so it was really necessary. Started with this big cupboard in the living room, clearing it out and throwing away tons of junk. Note to self: I MUST stop buying candles, I hardly can store them anymore !

On a furniture shopping spree too: last week I bought a small table for the sitting room. I finally found one to my liking, after a couple of years looking around. Delivery time: 4 weeks. Bought a new book shelf too: I want to store my comics in the bedroom, so I have free cupboard space for Wolf’s toys.

Today I went out and got me four beautiful garden chairs: aluminum with textilene and a bit of teak. Cost me 60 euro a piece, but they’re worth it, considering I don’t have to drag the living room chairs out anymore every time someone comes by.

Nihil: if you ever make it for that coffee, we can sit outside now :-p
Petjorin: you’re always welcome to come over and try them out too, we can chat about the choir then. Too bad you’re working these days…
Wim and Kim: I’d invite you too, but your allergy…
Randall and whoever I might be forgetting: you’re welcome too 🙂

Just give me a call…


We were watching the points of the Eurovision Song Contest, while I was knitting and falling asleep (luckily not in bed yet) when, all of a sudden, I heard a crack and a sound of water. At first I thought it was the dog drinking, but as it continued, I realised what it was: my aquarium ! I yelled, we both jumped up, and yes, one of the walls had cracked and the water (a mere 90 litres) was gulping out. Bart ran for cloth (dweils), I ran to get the hose I empty the aquarium with, we started damage control. Mind, the thing is in my office, within one meter of all my cables, only separated from my actual running PC by one of the sides of my desk. We managed to empty it pretty quickly, hardly any water reached the cables, and the damage, as far as we can see, is limited. The floor may be wrecked though: hardwood floor. At least we have insurance for all costs over 180 euro.

All hyped up here now, so much for being drowsy already.

Mijn weekend is goed!

Beste mevrouw Rombaut,

Na xxxx en xxx is het in september de beurt aan mijn derde kind om naar het secundair onderwijs te gaan.
Uiteraard gaat hij ook Latijn volgen.
De bedoeling van deze mail is om u te vragen of ik met zekerheid kan rekenen dat hij in uw klas zou terechtkomen.
Bent u tegenwoordig de enige lerares Latijn voor de 1e graad in het KAM?

Anders zou ik expliciet aan de directeur vragen dat xxx in uw klas zou zitten.

Graag uw mening.

Bedankt op voorhand voor het antwoord en nog een prettige weekend toegewenst.

Met beleefde groeten,


The mailman just came to the door, and he carried this big parcel… Addressed to my little son Wolf (btw, new pics of him on www.wolfdewaele.be). In it was the most gorgeous handmade blankie :-))))) Thank you so much, Robby ! He’s asleep under it right now 🙂
It smells lovely too, wonder what you did to it…
As soon as I can get Bart to unload the camera again (due to some odd software problem it will only work 1 out of 10 times, on a Mac only), I’ll post a picture of Wolf and this lovely blanket from ambyguity.

It’s great to be loved.

My back is killing me. I don’t know what happened or what I did, but yesterday evening my back started hurting. Nothing special, I thought, it would pass. Wrong. I think it must be some kind of hernia, I can barely walk. I can’t sit or lie down or do anything without pain, my back refuses to support me. I had kinda hoped it would be better with a night’s rest, but no go there. Only got worse. We had friends over for coffee and cake in the afternoon (they came to see Wolf) but Bart had to do everything, like set the table, give Wolf a fresh diaper, do the dishes… Luckily I had already made the cake yesterday. Afternoon was nice though, immobile as I was.
Phoned my mom after they left, and she came over (20 mins drive) just to bring me my dad’s waist belt and his walking stick (he has a bad back too), and then left again since she had a concert tonight. It does help a little, but not much. Definitely doctor tomorrow. Sigh. Once more.

Worst is, I can’t even carry my own baby. Bart has to bring him to me when I need to feed him. Makes me feel so useless…

Had quite a nice day today, in spite of the fact that Wolf didn’t grant me much sleep last night.

After lunch, I went to this big store to get some baby stuff, like sheets, a brush, etc etc. Suddenly my phone went off, and it turned out to be my mom, who never ever calls on my cell. She wanted me to come over with the baby cos it was such a lovely weather (18°, although the sun wasn’t really shining) for a nice walk, and then a visit to my grandparents who really wanted to see him again. So I hurried home, packed all the stuff and left. Had a nice walk indeed, some nice chats, but I’m really tired right now. A good kind of tired.

Oh, and I’m still losing weight ! I eat like a buffoon though, and lots of sugar too, but breastfeeding is a blessing when it comes to losing weight. As compared to the moment I got pregnant, I lost 13 kilo by now. Looking and feeling good. Just need to get rid of the belly, and I’ll look pretty nice this summer. Oh, and a tan would be kinda cool too 🙂


Last night, after I had taken a long hot relaxing bath and wasn’t dressed yet, I decided to clear away some stuff in the bathroom. While doing so, I felt a cold drop on my body. I looked up, but nothing dripping within sight. I continued, and felt another drop. Hmm. I knew the bathroom was damp, and I felt the sloping wall/ceiling, but nothing so damp that it would drip. I carried on.
Drip. WTF ? I even felt the towel rack and such, but no wet stuff there. Hmm ?
As I walked to the mirror: drip ! And then I realised what it was: my own goddamned breasts !
Argh, I hate this milk thing ! I feel like a fucking cow !