Yay, I do feel loved today 🙂

First, at school I got presents from two of my students. One gave me this lovely pair of Turkish hand-knit bed socks, in black with purple and yellow dots (inside joke with them), and the other one gave me Crash Bandicoot, a PS2 game. I had posted as a nick on MSN that I was in search of second hand games since I’m giving Bart a console as a present. She managed to made me say which ones I like, and I never gave it another thought. 🙂

When I came home, I picked up the mail, and there were very sweet Xmas cards from ambyguity and coyotegoth, which made me both very mellow. I love you both, and I really can’t wait to give you both a big hug (or knuffel, for that matter) for real. Then this friend of mine, Vallery, made the nicest card you can imagine. She’s a very beautiful girl, and also her boyfriend is one of the more handsome men around. They’re both dressed in white, sitting together, holding their cat, and with it goes the Latin sentence: “Vive virtute duce comite fortuna” by Cicero. It means: “Live with courage as your guide, and fortune as your companion”. Really really nice.

Me happy. Oh, and yes, the end of my correction work last night might have something to do with that too.


I just bought myself a new motorbike !!!!

Well, it’s second-hand, but it’s spiffy and nearly mint 🙂 It’s exactly the same one as my former, so I’m a happy girl 🙂 Payed 3/4 of it today and got all the papers, need to collect it somewhere next week. First need to get a license plate and insurance.

God I love my new aquarium ! It’s high upon a little table now, in plain sight in my own little den that I call my office. Did cost me quite a bit (it’s a new one, the former new one never worked) but now I get to see my prehistoric critters swim at last ! It’s more than double the size of the original one, so yes, I love it !

Other big news in my uninteresting life is that Wolf yesterday crawled for the first time !!! Today, when I picked him up at the daycare, he actually crawled towards me and laughed 🙂 He was ever so cute !!!! He can now wave goodbye as well. He’s growing up so fast…

We just had another Cthulhu session, and we kinda gave up after yet another session of corridors and near-deaths. We now had 112 ghouls after us, who were stopped (kinda, they feasted on them) by 8 goons we brought along. Exit goons of course. Still 98 ghouls left though. No solution to the story, yet we threw in the towel, it would have been pure suicide, as far as we were concerned.
Poor us… Giving up on a cthulhu session, how lame are we… Yet we all love our characters and wanted to save them for the Horror on the Orient Express, to which story this was meant to be a prelude.

Nearly exams too, so the kids at school are being very annoying. No fun days. Three days to go and the exams are there, so lots and lots of correction work coming up, and thus a foul mood. You’re warned !


My husband really is THE best !

Since I went out two nights in a row, he fed Wolf his bottle this morning, a bit later on I bathed the sprog and put him back in bed, went back to bed myself, and Bart let me sleep till 11.30. When I got up, he had made Wolf’s lunch and was feeding him. I went grocery shopping later on with the little one, and when I came back, Wolf’s fruit was ready, the dishes were done, and while I fed Wolf, he emptied the car and cleaned the brand new deep fryer I had bought since the old one kinda gave up on us last week. The curtains are drawn and the fire place is lit for me too, so I come home in a very cosy and clean house 🙂 Then he gave me a kiss and disappeared upstairs again to continue working in his office (business is booming :-))

How I love this guy ! But then again, he isn’t making it hard for me either :-p

Oh, btw, Robby: he sez you’re more than welcome to stay at our place 🙂

Had a most pleasant day today 🙂

Taught in the morning, then went grocery shopping and stopped by the second-hand/recycling store. Most of what they have is junk, but sometimes you can find a little gem there. That is what I found today: a genuine flail ! The wooden 40 cm long handle was cracked, but still good. The chain, about 30 cm long, was a bit rusty but solid, and the ball itself was rusty too, about 8 cm diameter, heavy iron with spikes ! Can you imagine ? I paid 15 euro for it (approx. 20 $) and gave it to Faust as a present.

At noon I went for dinner with Bart, and after that I met up with Faust in town. It’s a cold but bright day today, so excellent for walking around 🙂 We did some shopping, found a great coat for him, bought children’s plates and cutlery for a friend, had coffee, snooped around in a gothic shop, had ‘poffertjes’ (something between crepes and donuts) which were very ungothic due to the icing sugar that left white traces on our clothes :-p and generally had a really good time both. He gave me this little jade turtle as a present too 🙂 just because. I really really like the guy.

Bart’s out for the evening: he went to play Magic, just for old sake, and I’m glad he did. Not that I don’t like him around the house, on the contrary, but he just doesn’t get out lately, so I’m glad he finally did.

Will be a busy weekend: lots and lots of correction. Ugh.

Oh, and there’s a perfect half moon outside, like it’s been cleaved in twain. Beautiful.

Went larping last weekend, and had a blast ! Had an awful lot of fun with my tribe of barbarians, got almost killed a couple of times, and forgot all my worries of the real world. Heh. Felt good :-))

Had to miss out on the birthday party of a very good friend though, and if it hadn’t been for endimi and randallsilver, Bart would have had to stay home too. Luckily they were ever so kind to come over and babysit that evening, and as they even stayed the night, Bart could stay out a bit longer without having to worry about the little one. Thanks ever so much, guys !

Today Bart’s parents came over to babysit: originally Bart had to go teaching today and I had a job application, but both got cancelled. They came over anyway, so Bart could work undisturbedly, they brought very yummy food with them so I didn’t have to cook when I came home at noon, and last but not least, his mom and I went to buy a car seat for Wolf and a new diaper cushion. She payed for all of it, being nearly € 250, as an early ‘Sinterklaas’ present for Wolf. Yay !

Wolf is being a little sweetheart too: he babbles all the time, plays with his toys like a good boy, and is generally being enthusiastic about nearly everything.

Me happy 🙂

I am in pain. I’m weaning the baby (still had one feeding in the morning) and my breasts are feeling like they could explode any moment now. Ugh. They really hurt, and even the pressure of my clothing is too much. Trying not to drink much now. Any other suggestions ?

In other news: I have a week’s holiday now, fall break, and I’m finally gonna repaint the stairway. Has been getting on my nerves for ages, but I couldn’t do it before. Had planned on doing it the last couple of weeks of August, but then my back acted up. Brought Wolf to the daycare this morning, so I could at least work a bit. Just fetched paint: shellwhite and aubergine. I’ll post a pic when it’s done (could be another couple of weeks though).


Busy day

Seemed like a busy day here, yet I didn’t do anything big
– corrected some
– worked in the garden a little, since it’s an amazing 19°C (66°F) outside, and that for the end of October !
– been working on those bed sheets for my little boy. Does anyone know where – apart from Veritas, which is really expensive – I can buy a neat children’s fabric application to sew on the sheets ?
– went grocery shopping with the sprog in Colruyt. God it was busy !! Had to queue for parking space, queue to get in, all hallways were terribly crowded, and all cash points were open and extremely busy. Ugh. Will teach me to go there on a Saturday afternoon. Wolf loved it though
– made fruit for the little one, fed him and took him for a walk in the pram (actually to fetch bread, but shush, don’t tell him)
– updated his diary and added more pics (www.wolfdewaele.be)
– installed a bunch of programs, ao. Asheron’s Call
– did some general household stuff

All in all had a satisfying day.

Nice day today. Getting the stress of last couple of days out of my system.
– The dossiers for my job application have finally been handed in, right on time. Ugh. I REALLY hate it when my PC messes up at critical moments. I swear, I nearly had a heart attack on Tuesday. Right now, with XP reinstalled and WordPerfect running smoothly again, I’m slowly reinstalling all of my other programs again.
– Wolf has been sleeping all night for two days in a row now: he didn’t wake up for a late night feeding anymore, leaving us to our much beloved sleep. Yay.
– Had a good day: went teaching for three hours, left at 12.00 with some students of tenth grade to grab a bite at the MacDonalds in town (they invited me when they heard I was coming along to the movie in the afternoon with them), then watched Fahrenheit 9/11 with them (history class related). Afterwards I went into the nearby shopping mall, bought some really nice stuff for Wolf (grey pants and long sleeve T, exactly the style of his father), snooped around in some more shops, collected the Wolfmeister at the daycare, came home and made some urgent invoices, had bread and left for Cthulhu roleplay.
– managed to secure this big Troy display for my classroom. The guy at the record store will give me a ring when he’s getting rid of them. Will be a while though, as it got on display just now.
– finally have some large maps and a clock in my semi-own classroom. Like it a lot.
– feel like I’m finally unwinding a bit. Wonder how high my blood pressure got last week, actually.

Gonna sleep now. Will be a nice day tomorrow too, I hope. Gonna make it a lazy one, and maybe go into town to fetch me some much-needed trousers. Or I might sew some sheets for Wolf’s bed, in addition to the ones I bought today. Already got the fabric a couple of weeks ago.

Night all !
*hugs Glod and Amby and Randall and Kirruth and Coyote*


*hugs all* (don’t want to give anyone the feeling he/she is being left out)


Cthulhu session was fun tonight, although the endless corridors underground are getting on my nerves. Most hilarious moment:

– GM: ‘you see a zombie slowly coming your way’
– all: ‘we shoot it’
– GM: ‘a big kettle goes flying in the air, releasing a stream of green fluid…’
– Bart (not my Bart, mind): ‘ ah, soup’
– GM, undisturbed: ‘… in which you see a hand’
– Bart: ‘oh, with munchies’ (“met brokskes”)

And this is supposed to be horror ??? Nah….