
(van livejournal)

Oh it started snowing allright.

Went to the supermarket, dry skies, came out, there was 5 cm of snow ! Had to park the car outside because the garage is still full of boxes with calendars for one of our clients, had trouble installing the frost shield: it kept snowing that hard !

Glad I didn’t go at my parents to collect Wolf: he’s staying there another night cos they both like it so much :-p And that way Bart can be at ease, as he’s still pretty ill. Starting to think I’ll get ill too. Hope not, keeping fingers crossed.


Joy !

Tonight we’re having our parents over for Christmasdinner, and Bart is ill. He has been sleeping on the couch all day now, and doesn’t even wake when Wolf is playing and shouting.
We already did a large part of the shopping, and the Colruyt wasn’t even busier than usual. Yet, I still have to confront the Delhaize for some minor stuff – and usual that one is extremely busy 🙁 Still need to fetch all the vegetables and the meat for tonight: we’re having gourmet. Luckily I did order the meat, so that won’t be a problem. And then I have to set the table and all that stuff, and make the hors-d’oeuvres and the dips.

Luckily the cleaning lady came round this morning, so the house is spotless again, and I don’t have to take care of that. And I did wrap the gifts this morning as well. Did buy a puzzle a couple of days ago (the School of Philosophers, hence I like it a lot) and wrapped it as a gift for myself, so Bart can give it to me. That way I will have a present too 🙂

Guess I’ll better continue, or I won’t be ready at all. Don’t feel like hurrying.

My mom’s back from Peru, and she’s fine. Tired, but fine. She had to work an awful lot and she injured her leg quite badly, but it’s healing up just nicely.

She bought Wolf a very nice pullover with matching bonnet, gloves and socks, all very bright. I got this typical Peruvian hat, black filt, just the way I like it 🙂 She just knows me too well.

And I already know what my gift from Bart is too: some really nice heating socks: you can fill up the sole with cherry pits that should be heated in the microwave. Guess he’s just sick and tired of always warming up my icy feet in bed :-p

Too bad there wasn’t enough time left today after grocery shopping to go and have coffee at Faust’s place. Would have been so nice. He already got his present a while ago: an authentic (or it looks that way anyway) flail I found in the second hand shop. Some other friends are very jealous of it.

On another note: Wolf is still ill. He had quite a high temperature again, being 39.6° once more. Antibiotics aren’t properly kicking in yet. He was so tired, poor hon. He layed down his head on my chest, holding on to me, and making these soft little noises. God I love that little one dearly !

Now I have some packages to make, so I can send them out tomorrow.

New rug

Since Catullus found it amusing last week to gnaw on the rug, I had to buy a new one, and today I did.

Spent 155 euro on the big rug and a wee one for the dog to sleep on. When Wolf came home, he was overly enthusiastic about them, trotting and jumping on them… Decided to take a picture of it, as you can see.

Oh, and big note to self: READ THE FUCKING MANUAL before using a tool ! My Dyson vacuum thingy didn’t work properly anymore, kinda lost its suction, which the Dyson is famous for not to. Already checked the warranty but that one expired, so started reading the manual. Hmm. After 2.5 years, finally washed the big pre-motor filter which needs to be washed at least every six months. Dust came off in large chunks, and believe me, chunks of dust DO exist ! Anyway, I hope it will be okay now, cos I really love the Dyson.

Gonna continue compiling my exams. Ugh. Hate it. Thoroughly. With a vengeance.


Know what I just found ? My frigging combat boots ! Been looking for them for like a year or so, and been nagging about them for about the same amount of time ! Thought they were stolen, have played like three LARPS without them since.

I just went to our bedroom to fetch some comics, and I wonder what the plastic bag in one of the (yet) empty compartments is, since I just noticed the surplus books in another compartment. Thought they were in said bag. So I open the bag: my combats ! Yay !!!! Finally !! The cleaning lady put them there, since there was space anyway, and that way she could clean the floors more easily. Grr.

Anyway, me happy for having them back !

Feeling quite accomplished today anyway:
– slept quite long (8.30)
– got myself and Wolf ready, had breakfast
– finished compiling another exam
– found a nice rug (“No ! Really ??? You should have told us about that !”)
– cooked
– finally got to copy the exams for tomorrow (machine had been broken for several days, much to my annoyance, irritation and frustration)
– set up the Chrismas tree
– got several other chores done, like hanging up a mirror, cleaning up papers…
– started compiling the Greek exam too (and hating it. “No ! Really ??? You…” “Yeah shut up already!”
– lost about a litre of fluids by sneezing, blowing my nose, sniffing and coughing.

Yep yep. Happy me (except for the cold “Well duh !” )


Had a barbecue last night. Yep, that’s right, a midwinter barbecue 🙂

We really needed a get-together with our LARP barbarian tribe to clear out some issues and resolve some problems. So we decided to make it a barbarbecue in the large garden of one of the guys, who often does medieval reenactment too. He had set up this big medieval tent for the guys to sleep in (I didn’t stay the night, getting too old for that, and I still wanted to be home with Wolf and Bart before noon as well) some big shelters to bbq under (two big sets, and an awful lot of bread and vegetables) and a large shelter above a wood fire, with a lot of benches and trunks around it to sit on. We all dressed up as our LARP characters, which is with a lot of fur and leather. No being cold at all ! The whole thing was in character, and I loved every second of it.

When we arrived, the others had already been sitting and drinking for like two hours and there was a very fine atmosphere. I didn’t think we’d manage to get a serious conversation going about the spirits and all the related issues, but after the food, we somehow got talking anyway, and we talked and discussed (with a plank: only who got the plank, got to speak) for like three hours.

It really made my day, and we finally felt like one big clan again. So happy we’re getting along once more 🙂

Happy me 🙂

Choir tournament

Just got home from a busy weekend. Yesterday, the choir I joined in September had to sing the semi-finals of a big tournament Choir of the Year. We left at 9.30, had camera rehearsals before noon, spent the afternoon being idle, and were so motivated at the performance that we actually made the finals !!! We were actually in second place, out of 10 choirs ! As we hadn’t expected on beforehand that we were going to do that well, we hadn’t rehearsed the program for the final all that thoroughly. Hence today we only got fourth place. But then again, YAY ! We’re the fourth best choir of the country !

Saturday at 13.00 on Canvas: documentary on the semi final.
Next week on Saturday on Canvas: the finals.

Watch it, and check out Furiant !

My brother’s wedding

Part one of the wedding was yesterday, and yes, I made it alive. I wasn’t so sure of that, because when Friday I wanted to iron our clothes, I sprained my back, once again.

I have been sitting quite a lot, walking all lopsided and crooked, but in the end I even managed to dance a little with my brother.

The outfit was a stunning success: I got an awful lot of compliments, especially about the hat. Pictures later, since I didn’t take any myself, and I have to wait for the photographer to send some. All in all I spent 538 euro on it, and I’m glad I did (her sister-in-law’s outfit was 1700 euro (yes, cuckoo !) and not looking any better than mine).

A fine day was had, with a beautiful ceremony, a nice but long reception, quite a nice dinner, and a splendid party ! Had to leave round 2.30 though, since my back was killing me and it was still an hour drive.

Bizarre enough, there is a part two next week. Yesterday they had 250 guests at the reception, and 250 more for the dinner party. Next week there’s another reception with party (no dinner) for 250 more guests, since they couldn’t fit them all in yesterday. So the outfit will be used twice, at least. My niece already asked if she could borrow the whole thing for a party she needs to attend. Of course she can, I’m not gonna wear the hat that often :-p Not gonna go to the hairdresser again and spend another 35 euro once more. So if anyone feels like doing my hair next Friday, you’re welcome !


Had an insanely busy week, with hardly time to eat, and mostly didn’t see Wolf for longer than 15 mins a day. Ugh.

Just went and spent another € 155, ack: the suite at the wedding is wearing a hat, so I had to do the same thing. It’s a beautiful one, but yes, alas, expensive too. It’s being hand-made atm, will be ready in two weeks. Heh, all I need now is a beautiful necklace and earrings.

Oh, and Bart gave me my birthday present already: a brand new laptop thingy ! Yes ! Need one for school, hence.

Gonna cook now, more about the concerts, the radio broadcast, the television broadcast and the CD later.

Some random thoughts

° We’re having a glorious Indian summer right now. Enjoying every moment of it, even when I’m locked up inside. It makes me happy 🙂

° Taught my first class in the 5th grade again (17 year olds): I simply loved it ! They were 28 and a bit raucous, but I got that subdued in a minute. God I love teaching Vergilius Aeneis 🙂 It makes me happy 🙂

° Although Wolf refused to sleep (and finally slept at 10 PM, after a bit of crying in his bed once more) I had a lovely evening with him. Just like yesterday, I fetched him at the daycare with my bicycle, and we had a lovely ride afterwards, for about half an hour. He loves it, and cheers for every dog he sees, for every falling leaf, and every time he sees the wind turbines. It makes me happy 🙂

° Oh, and my favourite silly student just gave me a hug when I came in for last class at 15.30. I still don’t know why, and it was all in jest, but yes, it made me smile 🙂

° Even though the upcoming choir contest scares the bejeezes out of me (have to study 5 pieces by heart in like a month, on which the rest of the choir studied for like a year) I really love being in a choir again. It’s demanding, and pretty high standard, but loving every minute of it. Bart says I’m beaming when I get home after practice. It makes me happy 🙂 Johan, when will you be joining us ? You’ll love it !

Happy feelings are back again, even though hormones are raging at this very moment. Me happy girl 🙂