Somehow I felt very energetic today, so I took on a dirty job that was
WAYY overdue: the garage. The working table was piled up a meter high
with all kinds of tools, paint, sanding paper, vases… Most of the
stuff Bart and Dirk had left just where they found a spot, after they
had been working on the new office. I couldn’t find any of my tools
anymore 🙁 Also a complete colony of spiders had taken over the garage
as their new habitat, and covered every corner, hole and gap with their
dusty webs. Very halloweenesque, but hardly appropriate for an in-house
garage, especially since nearly everyone who comes in here on a regular
basis uses the back door, which leads them through that same garage.
Took me all day, I gathered an entire container of garbage and me myself
I was as dusty and filthy as could be, but man, am I proud of that
garage now ! Not exactly spotless yet (no intention that way either),
but cobwebfree, pretty much dustfree, and most importantly, all things
are back where they belong. I can use the table again, there is enough
room for my bike to be stalled, washing machine, dryer and freezer are
completely clean, and I can find whatever I need.
Good job. Tired now. Really tired now.